Some important procedures that you want to be aware of involve the grading of homework, quizzes, tests, and in-class participation. Homework is assigned at least 4 times a week. This means that your student will usually have material that will need to be completed out of class. Homework assignments are worth 5 points each. Homework is assessed on a “good faith effort” basis. That means I will check it for completion, notation, necessary steps and accuracy, even though the final answer may not be correct. As long as the homework is attempted and completed with “good faith effort,” the student will receive 5 points. There will never be any reason why an assignment should be incomplete because we will go over every question that is asked, but it is up to the student to make sure that this occurs. If a student is absent on the day an assignment is checked or needs to complete the assignment as make-up work due to an excused absence, the assignment should be submitted in Google classroom prior to the beginning of the next assigned class period. Homework is viewed as practice and because of this is NOT accepted late. Field trips and sporting events are not an absence from school so homework should be turned in the day it is due. If the student misses class because of an excused absence, work assigned prior to the absence is due on the day the student returns to school. The student can use my website to get any missed notes and have make-up work ready the day after the return to school as stated in the student handbook. We will also be using Google Classroom for assignments and announcements. Parents are encouraged to join the Google Classroom as well. Every homework assignment will be returned to the student so that s/he may use it to prepare for each test or quiz. All tests and quizzes will be returned to the students so that they may be able to see their progress, but the test or quiz will be kept in my room. Students are welcome and encouraged to come in during homeroom or after school to go over them in more detail, but they must remain in my room unless prior arrangements have been made. Students needing extra help may attend the scheduled help sessions during homeroom or after school or may see me after school upon request.
Quizzes are usually given at least once a week. Quizzes are worth between 15 and 25 points depending on the length and difficulty. Tests are given approximately every week and a half to two weeks. They are usually worth 35 to 55 points, again depending on the length and difficulty. There is no set day of the week that quizzes or tests will be given – we will take them when the material has been covered. Notebooks are not required, but are recommended. Also, there will be times when in-class activities are assessed for participation points. Students need to be present in class to earn these points. Absences will result in a loss of these points. Finally, grades are determined by adding the points your student earned and dividing by the total number of points possible. All course work is 80% of the final grade with the final exam worth 20% of the final grade. All work is to be completed in pencil – NO exceptions. Absence must be EXCUSED to receive credit for work not turned in on the due date. However, students may submit an assignment through Google classroom prior to the beginning of their class period on the day of the "unexcused absence" so that they may still receive credit for the assignment.